Our Mission:
to provide family, youth and child services in a safe, structured, and nurturing environment through a team of dedicated professionals.

Our Vision:
to be the recognized and respected leader in providing services to children and families in an educational and nurturing environment that supports the community.

Dr. Day Care Learning Center provides care for children ages 6 weeks through 12 years old. Learn more about our Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and School Age programs by visiting our Programs by Age page. We offer quality care and education 52 weeks of the year- we are the Home of the Educational Guarantee!
At Dr. Day Care, we are committed to addressing the needs of working parents. Our learning centers offer nutritious meals so that parents do not need to worry about packing meals for their children. Laundry is washed on a weekly basis to ensure children have a clean, sanitary surface for their rest times. A new feature that we are proud to offer is the use of the Tadpoles App to improve parent communication. This program keeps parents connected to their children with daily reports and photos that are emailed home each day. Parents need a place where they can feel that their child is safe, secure, and receiving quality education and we ensure that parents can rely on us for this need.
Our Team:
Our centers are managed by an early education director, referred to as an Administrator, as well as an Assistant Administrator. Each
Our special needs program, Therapeutic Child Care Services (TCCS), provides support to our classrooms through professional development and hands-on assistance from the TCCS Program Director and licensed Clinicians. TCCS classrooms also have an additional staff member in the classroom, a Therapeutic Intervention Specialist (TIS).
School Age classrooms receive additional support from our Kids Klub Executive Director and Education and Curriculum Coordinator. Our School Age classrooms provide before and after school care during the school year and offer full day options during summer vacation and school holidays.
All early learning centers have a Nurse and/or Nurse Consultant to help with dispensing medications and to provide assessment, medical intervention, and monitoring of the health status of children within centers as well as monitor children’s records and update health exams, immunizations, and lead screenings. Outside support staff are scheduled for health screenings and consultations throughout the year.
Dr. Day Care Learning Center is also supported by our Home Office team – Child Care Consultants & Facilities Management (CCCFM). This team provides support to each of our centers in education and curriculum, daily operations, finance, marketing, human resources, and more. Contact our Home Office any time, we are always available to answer parent questions or concerns. This team approach for each center ensures quality care and education for the children and families in their facilities. We have a positive reputation amongst parents and the community due to our quality of care and education.
Children thrive when their teachers are deeply interested and committed to them. Our teachers enjoy working with children and parents to create a warm and consistent environment. The teachers act as facilitators of learning, and respect the idea that each child participates in the process of learning in their own unique way.
Dr. Day Care recognizes that learning is a life-long process for children, as well as adults. Our teachers are offered continual opportunities throughout their employment to further their education and improve their teaching skills. We offer in-service training at each center, company wide workshops, seminars, and tuition reimbursement for continuing education.