September 2024
Concept of the Month
Getting to Know You: People in our Community
red = rojo
square = cuadrado
1 & 2
D & H
Spanish Words
help = ayuda
together = juntos
Sign Language
Spotlight Author
Scott Ritchie
Suggested Readings
Follow Your Breath
Follow That Bee!
Look Where We Live
Follow That Map!
Owen at the Park
Song of the Month
This Is My School Family
This is my school family.
This is my school family.
This is my school family
Now, wave to a friend
Wave to a friend.
Boom, boom, boom
Repeat chorus and then add after each chorus:
Shake hands with a friend
Pinky hug with a friend
High five with a friend
Math & Measuring
Number Sense and Quantity
Children develop number recognition and counting skills and learn the relationship between numbers and the quantity they represent through activities such as matching small and large objects, verbally counting to 10 or 20, and recognizing and writing some numerals
Yoga Pose
Spotlight On...
From the moment they are born, children share many of the characteristics of young scientists. They are curious and persistent explorers who use their senses to investigate, observe, and make sense of the world around them. As they grow and develop, they become increasingly adept at using the practices that scientists use to learn about the world—including asking questions, planning, and carrying out investigations, collecting and analyzing data, and constructing explanations based on evidence.