Come Meditate With Me

The conversation on meditation and mindfulness has really come to light during the pandemic. I began to research and learn more about meditation and mindfulness when I had free time due to the 2020 pandemic. I realized meditation needed to be present in a young child’s life.

Come Meditate With Me

Throughout my nearly 50-year career working with children and families, children have the same developmental milestones and challenges from generation to generation. In my experience, everything we teach young children will be imprinted in their life’s journey. Teach children to meditate or take time to breathe and they will have the tools to use when they feel anxious inside or out. Sometimes we notice or sense a young child’s anxiety when they become despondent, shy, or out of control. Teach meditation to provide tools to reduce anxiety.

I truly wish I embraced the tools of meditation earlier in my career. I have fully embraced the benefits of the art of meditation and am excited to encourage young children to learn to meditate. Rather than making statements like, “you will be fine,” “knock it off,” or “stop that” they can be reframed to “together, let’s take a deep breath….” and practice meditation. Next, have a conversation about the child’s feelings.

To help teach children how to meditate, I wrote Come Meditate With Me. This story teaches young children the art of meditation. To get this story to as many children as possible, it is currently available as a free download. It is important that the message of meditation be available to all who want to start teaching these concepts in homes and classrooms.

For families who want to read this story in Spanish, download Ven a meditar conmigo. Thank you to a friend and colleague of mine, Carmen Diaz Jusino, for translating this story!

I truly wish I embraced the tools of meditation earlier in my career. I have fully embraced the benefits of the art of meditation and am excited to encourage young children to learn to meditate. Rather than making statements like, “you will be fine,” “knock it off,” or “stop that” they can be reframed to “together, let’s take a deep breath….” and practice meditation. Next, have a conversation about the child’s feelings.

Included in the end of the book are suggested mathematical lessons that teach children basic math skills. With the power of mindfulness in a relaxed atmosphere and adding math, imagine the possibilities your child could reach!

Enjoy meditating! Give yourself the gift of time.

This book is available for a limited time as a free download!

Download and print your copy here:

Come Meditate With Me

Come Meditate With Me

(También disponible en español)

I value your input, comments, and thoughts on the story! Email me directly at